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管理系统开发价格 Shanghai auction includes rare signed manuscript by Albert Einstein

发布日期:2024-07-18 17:48    点击次数:158

An autographed manuscript by renowned scientist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) will go under the hammer at Christie's 10th Shanghai Auction Anniversary: 20th/21st Century Art Evening Sale on September 23 at the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai.管理系统开发价格

The bidding will mark the auction debut for this rare manuscript by Christie's Asia and represents the Classic Art category's inaugural appearance in the Chinese mainland.

The 14-page manuscript, written in German, includes two equations and a diagram illustrating the structure of the spacetime continuum, along with two pages of scientific formulae.

The manuscript was first published in a special supplement of the New York Times on February 3, 1929.

1. 浦项铁人俱乐部成立于1973年,球队历史曾获得5次韩K联赛冠军,4次韩国杯冠军,管理系统开发价格2次韩国联赛杯冠军,1次亚冠联赛冠军,以及在96/97/和97/98连续获得亚冠前身亚洲俱乐部锦标赛冠军等诸多赛事荣誉。


Due to immense public interest, Einstein had been commissioned to explain the development of his two most famous contributions to science: the theories of special relativity (1905) and general relativity (1915). The manuscript holds tremendous significance as it recounts the history behind the discovery of relativity, explains its working, and looks to the possibility of completing the cycle of relativity in a "unified field theory."



Date: September 20-23

Venue: 4/F, Christie's Shanghai Sale Room and Office

Address: 1 Zhongshan Rd E1



Date: September 23

Venue: Waldorf Astoria Shanghai

Address: 2 Zhongshan Rd E1


下一篇:管理系统开发价格 转会费1000万欧!官方:曼联19岁中卫坎布瓦拉加盟比利亚雷亚尔