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jj market去了(挺大的 东西也许多 相比值得逛 文艺气味相比浓)雨林集市去了(东西一般般 但在内部影相应该很面子)bamboo family market去了(相比小 但还挺好逛 内部还有许多腹地东说念主我方作念的吃的)清迈二手古着仓库去了(东西老婆老婆多了,逛了格外之一眼睛就依然累了)摩托车坐了(很爽!何况不堵车 即是有点吹的脑壳疼)旅舍泳池游了(面子,欣然!)塔佩门去了,鸽子依然回家了(东说念主照旧许多)夜市去了(跟江汉路夜市没啥折柳)吃饭齐没踩雷 顿顿齐吃很好!期待一下接下来的清迈
PARIS, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- Zou Jingyuan overcame a shoulder injury to capture the men's parallel bars title on Monday for China's second gymnastics gold medal at Paris Olympics. Defending champion Zou was only the third man to win two gold medals in
The women's familiarization session for Thursday's marathon swim had been cancelled due to water quality of the River Seine. PARIS, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- The water quality in the River Seine continues to be an issue at the Olympic Games on Tuesday with